PDC workshop during General Assembly of the Confederation Chess for Americas (CCA)

FIDE PDC Commission hold a PDC workshop for the FIDE Zone Presidents of the American Continent (2.1-2.5 zones) as well as for the officials of the national federations of Americas.

PDC Chair Laurent Freyd shared with all workshop’s participants the principles of the FIDE funding, The new direct funding to the FIDE zones was introduced to the FIDE Zonal Presidents. The main objectives and difference between funding to the Continent and Zones was discussed.

The attendees of the workshop, presidents, delegates, secretaries of the American federations were presented the idea of the development mindset, how to assess, target, learn and collaborate in order to achieve the results when developing chess with the help of FIDE funding.

KPIs and objectives that can assist to the global targets through the development projects led by the federations were enlighten and discussed during the workshop. The meaning of networking was identifed essential and all federations were requested to collaborate and communicate in order to learn and get the best practice.

The practical procedure of sending a funding request was shown by Kermen Goryaeva, FIDE PDC Secretary. “Questions and answers” session helped to clarify some raised issues.

Carolina Munoz Solis, FIDE PDC Councillor for Americas showed and overview of the PDC development fund during the years from 2019 to 2022 in Americas Continent. She showed how many federations requested funding during these years and their development levels. More of the request were from Federations level 2 and 3, so she emphasized the importance of more funding request from Federations level 4 and 5.