June 2019 Letter
Welcome to the newly launched website of the Planning and Development Commission, or as we are fondly referred to, the PDC!
The Planning and Development Commission, which was restructured from the previous Development Commission, has as its primary objective the institutional strengthening of Federations, Continental bodies and FIDE. To find out more about the PDC, please click here.
We are fortunate to have many dedicated persons from all Continents represented on the PDC who have extensive experience in administration and development of chess in their respective jurisdictions. Details on the team members can be found under, PDC Team.
As promised by the FIDE President, Arkady Dvorkovich, throughout his campaign in 2018, FIDE has set up a Development Fund which is accessible by eligible Federations as well as for Continents to support their efforts to develop chess across the world. Additional information on how to access this funding can be found on this website under Funding Applications.
The PDC is committed to working closely with Federations and Continents to further develop the sport of chess in a responsible and effective manner for the benefit of our communities and the wider global society.
Do feel free to engage us and we look forward to getting your stories and photos on how the assistance from FIDE has helped to enhance the operations and profile of your Federations and Continent!
Yours in Service
Sonja Johnson