Continental NewsNEWS

FIDE AMERICA – Continental Championship ends successfully!

FIDE AMERICA – Continental Championship ends successfully!

The 14th edition of the Continental Championship of the Americas was a great success! It was held over the period July 5-13, 2019.
The event was the third largest in history behind only the 2009 Continental of São Paulo (the largest) and the 2017 in Medellin (COL) and taking the position of the spectacular Continental Pipa played on the beautiful beach of Rio Grande do Norte.

This event is also the second largest in the number of countries. The tournament was supported by FIDE’s Planning and Development Commission.

There were 221 registered (215 effectively playing) from 16 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela. And 23 Brazilian states represented in all regions: AL, AP, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, PA, PB, PE, PI, PR, RJ, RN, RO, RR, RS, SC, SE and SP.

The party does not stop, there were several graduates present: GM 19, IM 24, WIM 2, FM 31, WFM 1, CM 13, WCM 1. The four World Cup vacancies and 3 openings at the Isle of Man Open were decided only in the final round.

1 Iturrizaga, Eduardo (VEN);
2nd Thin, Neuris (PAR);
3rd Gonzalez, Yuri (CUB) and 4th Duran, Sergio (CRC)
, all with 8,5 points in 11 matches.

With the event being of a very high level, some players have been awarded with norms:
2 GM standard: Garcia Pantoja, Roberto (CUB) and Duran Vega, Sergio (CRC);
IM standard: Cadilhac, Igor Tokuichi Kikuchi (BRA) and Languidey, Simon Alejandro (ARG);
WIM standard: Alboredo, Julia (BRA).

Results and Matches:

More photos at official Facebook page