PDC Chair


The PDC advises National Chess Federations, NCFs, that the new funding application package for 2020, can be found on the PDC’s website at pdc.fide.com/funding-applications. Do note that the eligibility criteria for funding has been amended and the new criteria can be found in Appendix A-Federation Funding Guidelines.

We encourage ALL requests for funding to be sent to fedfunding@fide.com in order for the process to be initiated. Any questions on the process or documents can also be directed to fedfunding@fide.com copying me at planninganddevelopmentsecretary@fide.com

With respect to Continental funding, please note that the same documents that were used by the Continental Bodies in 2019 are still applicable in 2020 for any requests.

On behalf of the PDC we thank you for your support and look forward to serving you in 2020.