1. Which federations are eligible for funding?

Only chess federations affiliated to FIDE can apply for FIDE funding. Federations in development levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 are eligible to apply.

2. Where I can find information about funding program?

Information on PDC programs can be found on the PDC website, under ‘FUNDING APPLICATIONS

3. How much funding I can apply for?

The initial value of the funding/assistance to Federations shall be no more than EUR 5 000.

4. What happens after I have applied for FIDE funding?

The general process is as follows:
• Federations can download the package from the PDC FIDE website.
• The Federations completes ALL required documents in the package as per: Instructions for Agreement and Appendices
• Completed documents should be sent via email to fedfunding@fide.com.
• Once the funding request completed package received, a 30 minute pitch meeting shall be scheduled together with the requester, to present the general context of the federation and objectives of the project. PDC may request additional elements to be provided. The request will be then be formally reviewed by the members of PDC.
• Recommendations with funding schedule will be referred to the FIDE Deputy Chair of the Management Board for approval, with subsequent confirmation by the FIDE Treasurer.
• The FIDE Accounts team will be notified of the funding approvals.
• The federation will be notified about the decision of PDC team and funding schedule accordingly.

5. How long is the process to obtain funding after submission of documents?

The process is estimated at 3 weeks once the PDC has received a fully completed application.

6. What are the requirements for reporting by Federations that have received funding?

Federations in receipt of funding are required to send in interim reports which reference the support by FIDE with accompanying photos of their events that formed part of the programme that was funded by FIDE. These reports should be sent to fedfunding@fide.com with a copy to the planninganddevelopmentsecretary@fide.com

7. Unable to find what you were looking for?

If you have been unable to find the information you were looking for in this FAQ section, or on PDC.FIDE.com, you can get in touch with us via this email at fedfunding@fide.com .