NEWSPDC Activities


The Planning and Development Commission, PDC, hosted FIDE’s first ever Federation Management Workshop on Thursday 27th February, 2020 during the 90th FIDE Congress at the Dusit Thani Hotel, Abu Dhabi.

The primary objectives of this workshop was to provide federations with additional insights into the priorities and activities of FIDE, while also sharing some tools and best practices to assist in improving the operations and administration of federations. It will also highlight the main features of the FIDE-NCF Funding programme.

The workshop was open to all federation delegates and Congress participants, with a primary target of federations in Development levels 3-5. On the day, the workshop seemed to have peaked the interest of many delegates and congress participants, as it attracted an audience of over 100 persons across all continents and federations.

The agenda for this first workshop focused on specific areas with the provision of tools and guidelines to address key aspects of the operations of a federation. Please find the details below. Available presentations can be downloaded by clicking on the link related to the respective agenda item.

Session 1

Opening Remarks PDC Secretary
Recap of 2019 funding programme PDC Secretary
Observations and Recommendations Team PDC
Priority Areas of FIDE-Chess ID FIDE Executive Director
Building the Federation’s brand and FIDE’s Brand FIDE Marketing & FIDE Communication Departments
Federation feedback on programme/Sharing of experiences

Session 2

Vision Mission Values Planning Team PDC
Basic Financial PlanningTeam PDC
Human Resource ManagementTeam PDC
Funding Criteria for 2020 and documentation requirementsPDC Secretary
World Chess Olympiad participation- Registration processFIDE Event Manager
Federation Case Study-Turkey Turkish Chess Federation

Participants were very engaged during the various presentations and asked many pertinent questions. They also were appreciative for the knowledge that was shared via the various presentations. Members of FIDE’s Leadership expressed congratulations to Team PDC for a very successful workshop as the feedback that they received was very positive.

The PDC Secretary thanked her team members for their efforts in putting together the very first workshop and look forward to other opportunities to assist in building the capacity of federations, which is one of the key objectives of the Commission.